Thursday, 7 August 2014

Newburgh - Charleston Lake - Prescott

Hello beautiful people!
We are currently having a delicious lunch in Brockville, our rest stop on the way to Prescott.

Highlights from the last two days:
- Composition of our first smash hit, entitled "Too used to roadkill". This was inspired from the moment Mary saw a porcupine at our campsite and without giving it a thought, assumed it was dead. Upon further inspection by Gill, the little guy was very much alive.
-the creation of our first tagline "when you're traveling, the world is your bathroom" as we applied diaper rash cream in a golf course parking lot.
- an angry motorist who was not enthused by our use of the road, and felt it necessary to actually get out of his car (twice) in order to tell us that we "forced him into the other lane." "Leave the road for vehicles who have the right of way." Surrrrrreeeee.
- the loads of really helpful and interested people who always want to know where we're going, where we're from, how many km a day we do, and are very forthcoming with roadway safety precautions. "There's a bridge up ahead you know..."

1. Gill being a delightful mix of beautiful and hardcore.
2. After watching Part 1 of Anne of Green Gables at Grammie's, we saw what seemed to be Green Gables Ontario edition.
3. A selfie, as per Mary's sister Beth's request.
4 & 5. Beauty queens by the beach at Charleston Lake Provincial Park.
6. Our breakfast this morning: buns and peanut butter, kidney beans, snow peas, and an apple.
7. A sign for Gill's sister Haley, Butternut Bay!
8. Our bikes right now, as we write this.


  1. amazing...keep those updates coming!!! love you

  2. Fantastic adventure, countryside, animals, annoying people, nice people! What a a great trip you are having!

  3. I love Charleston Lake!!! :)
